Our commitment is each employee plays a critical quality role through:
• Establishing and reviewing product conformance and product safety objectives to ensure that our products and processes comply with applicable requirements;
• Performing work in a manner consistent with the Vision, Mission and Values, and in compliance with YF IOS requirements, resulting in successful achievement of our Quality Policy;
• Continuous improvements in our business and quality management systems enable us to excel in our processes and achieve manufacturing and service excellence.

Our commitments are:
• Implement sustainable development strategy to create value sustainably;
• Fulfill all applicable environmental legal or other requirements;
• Encourage the innovation of environmental protection technology and management, continually improve environmental management system and performance from a life cycle perspective to fulfill the commitment of protecting the environment and striving to exceed the expectations of interested parties;
• Facilitate energy saving and emission reduction, improving ecological benefits.
Our commitments are:
• Establish and implement an efficient energy management system to support global manufacturing capacity, and set and achieve appropriate energy goals and targets;
• Emphasize the requirements of energy performance when purchasing energy services, products and equipment that have or may have an impact on the main energy use, and when building and improving the design of facilities, equipment, systems and processes;
• Encourage employees to continuously improve energy performance in work and personal activities;
• Grasp and understand the development trend of internal and external energy efficiency and innovative technology;
• Support the requirements of government agencies, utility companies and superior groups, and comply with the laws, regulations and other requirements related to energy conservation.

Our commitments are:
• Our sustainability strategy supports the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), through a focus on the environment, our business ethics and people;
• Reduce the negative impact on the environment by developing innovative, sustainable and circular business models, products, development and manufacturing processes, material, and product End-of-Life processes, including the reduction of waste and reuse of existing material;
• Improve energy efficiency, use renewable energy, decarbonize (i.e., the removal of GHG emissions from a company’s value chain) and continuously improve energy performance, while producing and providing products and services to our customers;
• Support the requirements of government agencies, utility companies and superior groups, and comply with the laws, regulations and other requirements related to energy conservation;
• Safeguard the human rights, health and safety of our employees, while obeying the laws and regulations wherever we conduct business;
• Create and maintain a diverse, inclusive and professional environment that fosters an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect;
• Commit to sustainability in our supply chain. The company monitors the engagement of our suppliers in sustainability and human rights. We will follow up with suppliers on their performance in the areas of human rights, working conditions, employee safety and environmental management, including energy.
Our commitments are:
• Create a safe and healthy workplace, continually improve the occupational health and safety management systems and performance, and strive to prevent all work-related injuries and ill health;
• Fulfill all applicable legal and other requirements regarding Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) hazards at each location;
• Focus on the prevention of injuries and the risk controls during the early phase of new projects. Systematically and comprehensively identify risks, improve the effectiveness of risk control and reduce occupational health and safety risks by formulating continuous and forward-looking risk control measures;
• Enhance the engagement and demonstration of leadership, facilitate and promote the consultation and participation of workers, improve the safety awareness of employees, and build the brand of Safety Culture.

Our commitments are:
• Protect valuable information assets from unauthorized disclosure, modification, or destruction;
• Reduce business and operational risks via effective and efficient risk management, and to prevent and mitigate security weaknesses before impacting business operations;
• Detect and resolve attacks, flaws, security incidents and problems in information technology via the timely use of suitable measures;
• Ensure the recovery of information systems after loss, failure or disaster;
• Ensure that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and information processing facilities are upheld;
• Facilitate and improve the security awareness and knowledge of all managers and employees.